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Ahli United Bank

Al Watany Bank of Egypt.

Albaraka Bank-Egypt

Arab African International Bank.

Arab Bank.

Arab Banking Corporation – Egypt.

Arab International Bank

Arab Investment Bank.

Bank Audi.

Bank Credit Agricole Egypt

Bank of Alexandria.

Bank of  Nova Scotia

Banque du Caire.

Banque Misr.

Barclays Bank Egypt S.A.E.

BLOM Bank Egypt.

BNP Paribas Le Cairo Bank.

Cairo Barclays Bank.

Central Bank of Egypt.

Commercial International Bank (CIB).

Egyptian Arab Land Bank.  

Egyptian Banks Co. for Technological Advancement .

Egyptian Gulf Bank.

Export Development Bank of Egypt .

Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt.

Hong Kong Singapore Banking

Cooperation (HSBC).

Housing and Development Bank

Industrial Development & Workers Bank of Egypt.

Nasser Social Bank.

Mashreq Bank.

Misr Iran Development Bank .

National Bank for Development.

National Bank of Abu Dhabi.

National Societe Generale Bank (NSGB).

National Bank of Egypt.

National Bank of Greece – Egypt.

Piraeus Bank .

Principal Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit.

Societe Arabe Internationale De Banque

Suez Canal Bank.

Union National Bank

United Bank of Egypt. 

Other Important Link:

EBC Company

Credit Guarantee Company.

Social Fund For Development .

The Egyptian Credit Bureau "I-Score".



Egyptian International Trade Point - Ministry of trade and Industry